Friday, August 19, 2011

My Kids

Monkey and Ladybug are my children! I was leaving my apartment one night to head to the store and I saw some movement under the dumpster outside. When I got closer I realized it was two precious little babies! Much too small and too young to be away from their mother. I instantly had to help them. It took 2 hours, and four girls to catch one of them. A little while later, and thanks to the help of my best friend Meme, we were able to catch the second, after crawling through the dirt behind our apartment complex with a flashlight. 

They were so scared. Megan sat with them in my room while I ran to the store to get kitten supplies; litter, food, toys, etc. When I got back I set some food out for them. They were so hungry!!! Their little bellies were bulging afterward.  I was in love.  

I blame my mother for this, but I am a bleeding heart for animals. Growing up all of our pets seemed to be strays.  Bless my dad for giving in to big brown eyes saying "pleaseeee!!!"  I love people like Ellen Degeneres, or Rachel Ray who use their fame and fortune to help animals in need. I don't have fame, and I don't have fortune, but I try to do the same, and will continue to do so as long as I live! :) 


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