Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bacon and Peach? Sandwiches on Pretzel Buns

I need to apologize for my unannounced leave of absence.  I realize my posts have been few and far between lately, and I hate to think I have left anyone hanging.  I have no excuse other than lately my recipes have been a flop.

No...more like, an inedible mess.  

Do you ever get like that?  Find yourself in a cooking slump...unable to think of anything new and exciting to make?

That's been me lately. I wish I could show you all of the failures I've had lately, but trust me, I did not want photographic evidence of these recipe disasters.

I was slowly strolling the aisles of Costco, pouting no doubt...when I found these little petite pretzel buns.  I have bought them before, and made delicious cheddar burgers on them.  I threw them in my basket and continued shopping.  By the end of my Costco trip my basket was overflowing with goodies.  A big box of white peaches, a block of my favorite Tillamook vintage white cheddar cheese, bacon, some Pirate's Bootie (white cheddar popcorn) and some staples.
As soon as I got home from the store  I immediately ripped open the pretzel rolls and had a taste.  They were salty and tasted like pretzels (duh).  Next I sliced a piece of that vintage white cheddar off and had another taste.  Yum this would be good on the pretzel rolls.

I looked over at the peaches.  What am I going to do with a 5 pound box of peaches before they go bad?  I know lets slice them and put them with the cheese and pretzel rolls.  And hello, what doesn't taste better with bacon?

Bacon and Peach Pretzel Bun Sandwiches

2 pretzel rolls, sliced in half
4 thin slices of white cheddar cheese
1 white peach, sliced thin
handful of spinach
4 slices of bacon

Assemble the rolls in front of you and start piling on the ingredients.  Layer spinach, bacon and peach slices evenly across the bottom of the rolls.  Top with cheese then put the top of the sandwich on.  Put into a panini press for a couple of minutes just to melt the cheese and warm up the roll.

Serve and eat immediately.
Salty pretzel bun, crispy bacon, sharp white cheddar and sweet juicy peaches? Yeah that's not weird at all.

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